About us
The Jerseyville congregation, like all congregations of the churches of Christ, is autonomous and has no creed except the Bible. It strives to live and worship in accordance with the Bible and to "Speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent." The church aims to serve God and our fellow man.
The "Family of God" here at Jerseyville has accomplished many good things and as servants of God have rejoiced and wept with many over the years. When trials face us, we stand together. When problems arise, we face them together with united determination to overcome them. We continue to pray for guidance and wisdom through God's Word to serve Him and our neighbors, realizing the strength of the church is not in physical facilities, academic degrees, large numbers, material riches, or our ancestral background, but in obedience to our Heavenly Father.
Meet our Preacher

Jake Medford
How about this for a change, no titles like "Pastor or Reverend"... Meet Jake!
Jake grew up right here in Jerseyville. You may know him from around town, he's active in the community and likes a good joke.
He grew up in the Catholic faith and even planned on becoming a priest at one time, but things changed. He grew tired of being told what to believe and not to question it. He found the small congregation north of town simply called the "church of Christ" from a friend he worked with on a non-profit project.
After study, debates, and many many questions, he decided this was the church he needed to be part of. The only church he found without man-made doctrine, the only church that wouldn't back away from any verse, the only church that didn't have a manual, hierarchy, or a man-based theology. It was the only church in town named after the one in the New Testament. The church of Christ.
Since he took on Christ the study kept coming and movement didn't stop. He took on the position of preaching on Sunday mornings back in May of 2017. Jake met his wonderful wife, Samantha in 2018 and they got married in 2020. In May of 2022, they welcomed Emersyn Rose to their family.
If you need anything, please let Jake know, he would love to meet you and study with you!